Land Use/Govt Affairs Committee Meeting

February 2024 Land Use & Govt Affairs Committee Meeting
Topic: All things WASMPBA!
What is WASMPBA? The Water and Sewer Management, Planning Boundary Agreement (WASMPBA) was created in the early 2000s following a small area plan conducted in the 1990s and retracted Chapel Hill’s urban services boundary up to Southern Village. The agreement is with the Orange Water and Sewer Authority, the towns of Carrboro and Hillsborough, and the Orange County government.
The Town of Chapel Hill recently passed a new boundary, extending south along 15-501, a change the HBA DOC has been advocating for for 10 years or more. To give Chapel Hill control over this restored boundary the same resolution must pass in Carrboro, Hillsborough, and Orange County Government.
This meeting will provide a presentation and provide an opportunity to discuss our advocacy strategy.