Remodeling: The Bad & The Good Strategies for Success - NCLBGC 4-HR 1/10/2024
Remodeling: The Bad & The Good Strategies for Success - NCLBGC 4-HR 1/10/2024
January 10, 2024
1:30 PM - 5:30 PM EST
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Event Description:
ALL CLASSES ARE VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM. Your Space. Top Instructors. Same-Day Reporting.
Start Time Course ID Course Title
1:30 PM BM206/3041 The Bad & the Good Strategies for Success
Instructor Rusty Kling
WHETHER YOU ARE PLAYING CATCH-UP OR AHEAD OF THE CE GAME, WE HAVE YOU COVERED. The 2 & 4 hour electives are approved for 2023 and 2024 CE credits.
General Statute 87-10.2 states that North Carolina licensed general contractors will be required to complete continuing education (CE) beginning with 2021 license renewals.
8-hours of CE must be completed in order to renew a license by at least one qualifier for licensees in the license classifications of Building, Residential and Unclassified. For the Unclassified license, it shall be the qualifier who has passed the Building examination.
The 8-hour course requirement includes a mandatory 2-hour course produced by the NCLBGC Board with information about changes in the laws and rules and other content applicable to general contracting. The remaining 6-hours will be elective courses produced by outside Providers, submitted to and approved by the Board.